Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamad


(Had I kept all the one-liners and anecdotes I had written all my life, it would have run into hundreds. Unfortunately, I kept deleting them. Now, when I am not writing anything else, I have decided to upload the new ones as well as the old ones which I can recollect. They are reproduced at random. However, the most recent ones will be placed on top so that repeat readers need only look at the top of the list for new ones.)

– It is a treal test of iman for Muslims to see Allah not punishing the Jews in this world for their excessive atrocity towards Muslims in Gaza.

– Do what you honestly think is right and leave the rest to Allah. You will not be disappointed.

– Allah will give what you deserve – nothing less.

– That Allah will return what you have given for charity is true – literally.

– Learn from other’s experience.

– Belajarlah daripada pengalaman orang yang lebih tua.

– Jalan yang kamu akan lalui hari ini telah lumat dipijak orang lebih awal.

– Usaha, doa, redha dan syukur.

– Integrity has to be earned.

– Integrity or lack of it is written on a person’s face.

– Honesty shines on a person’s face as he speaks.

– Hujah lebih penting daripada pendapat.

-Every branch of the Government  must   respect each other’s jurisdiction.

– The court should not amend the Constitution under the pretext of interpreting it.

– We should not expect the court to solve legislative problems.

– Any law that is not unislamic is Islamic.

– Had Umar Ibn Khattab or  Abu Yusuf fixed the speed limits  for road users , if there were cars then, today they would be known as the Shariah Speed limits.

– Remove alcohol from wine, what is left is sparkling grape juice.

– Itis not a valid argument that halal is an added ingredient that it should make the product more expensive.

– One non-Muslim lawyer told me, one good thing about Islamic banks is that they are very slow in enforcement. So, we should not be too happy that the majority of Islamic bank customers are non-Muslims. They are taking advantage of our weakness. Remember, we do note charge interest. So, the longer they delay, the more they profit. After all, to them ma’aruf is profit and munkar is loss.

– Do not think that all the people who go to Islamic banks are pious people trying to avoid committing a sin. Many are crooks out to make money from the weakness of our system and they are laughing at us.

– They reject Islam, do you think the care about Shariah?

– Having taken the loan and defaulted the repayment, when sued, they turned around and argue that the transaction is not Shariah-compliant and therefore void! Is consuming the loan Shariah-compliant, if they care about it?

– If you cannot make the Judge understand you, you cannot win the case.

– I thought I would survive for four or five months. Yet, I prayed for four or five years. Now, He has given me fifteen years!

– On loss of voice after four cervical surgeries.

Doctor: If it does not come back in six months, we consider it as clinically permanent.

One day, lying in hospital, I picked up the Quran to read. No voice came out. I prayed to Allah to give back my voice so that I could ar my voice reading the Quran again.

Six months passed. I still had no voice. It is clinically permanent.

Ramadan came…and so was my voice.

Doctor: You are very lucky. It is a miracle.

One and a half year later I had another surgery and lost my voice again.
Doctor: Miracle happens only once, Tun.

Aku: But God’s power is unlimited. I leave it to Him.

Three months later he ranged me up. I answered the call.

Doctor: Tun, you are talking again!

Aku: God’s power is unlimited.

– A law that did not exist at the time of the Prophet (pbuh) need not necessarily be unislsmic. Eg Road Traffic Act.

– A law that is different from a law at the time of the Prophet (bpuh) could even be more Islamic. E.g slavery.

– Had it not been for those Muslim men and women who studied accountancy, economics and other related subjects and worked at conventional banks, until today the verse of the Quran on riba will only continue to be melodiously recited by the Qaries  and Qariahs and repeated by the ustazs and the Syariah scholars in their lectures: nothing happens.

– It is funny that no one objected to or critised those students who studied those subjects and worked at conventional banks when they graduated.

– Imagine, in Malaysia, if there are no Islamic financial institutions, and Muslims avoid buying houses on riba-based loans but try to save money to buy cash. They will have to spend a large portion of their income to pay for the rental. As the rental and the price of houses keep increasing (I am not surprised if it is done intentionally), Muslims will end up as tenants to non-Muslim house owners in their own country.

– If there are no Islamic financial institutions and Muslim businessmen avoid getting business loans on riba-based transactions, they will end up selling surat yasin, tasbih and pisang goreng. Who can save enough money to be the capital to finance  the construction of a housing project etc?

– I tend to think that the prohibition of riba was aimed at the kind of riba-based loans during the time of the prophet where poor people had to borrow money to buy food etc. To impose riba on such loans is inhuman. It is not meant for the kind of loans taken by companies to undertake mega projects for a profit. Who is going to give that amount of loan for free?

– Jika kita mengkaji keputusan Muzakarah Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan kita akan dapat melihat perkembangannya daripada mewajibkan syarikat membayar zakat kerana pemegang sahamnya orang Islam (1979) hingga kepada perniagaannya patuh Syariah (syarat-syarat lain tidak perlu lagi) (2001) hingga kepada penciptaan “syarikat Muslim” atau “Muslim tiruan” yang wajib membayar zakatnya sendiri (2003). Saya tidak faham bagaimana asas Syarak boleh berubah.

– Para akademik Syariah menggunakan qultah seagai contoh bahawa dalam Syariah ada separate legal entity dan mengemukakan hujah: Oleh sebab dalam Syariah ada separate legal entity dan ia membayar zakat, oleh sebab syarikat adalah sebuah separate legal entity, maka syarikat wajib membayar zakat.

– Saya katakan, qultah bukanlah separate legal entity. Ia adalah cara mengira zakat  daripada harta yang bercampur kepunyaan lebih daripada seorang orang Islam yang menjadi rakan kongsi.  Zakat itu adalah zakat rakan kongsi itu, bukan zakat kandang kambing mereka. Soal entiti undang-undang berasingan syarikat seperti yang diputuskan dalam kes Salomon v. A. Salomon & Co. Ltd. itu tidak berbangkit langsung. Hujah tersebut adalah non-sequeter (kesimpulan atau pernyataan yang tidak mengikut logik daripada hujah atau pernyataan sebelumnya).

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